By Dave Bruce
The 2023 "Captain's Drive-In" was a great success at Axe Cliff Golf Clubwith nearly all the course full for the traditional Shotgun start with 3 members on each tee. The three new Captains drove off together from the first tee witnessed by all the field who placed markers all along the first hole guessing where each Captain's first ball would finish hoping to win a prize.
The Men's Section Captain, Harvey Gibbons, in his second year drove the greenside bunker whilst Senior's Captain, Steve Thompson drove the nearside bunker. Thenew Ladies' Captain, Stella Thompson, as usual, played it nicely straight up the fairway.
The team of Richard Gibbons, Robert Ballard and Ben Libby won the day's event with a solid net 58, some 12 below par.
It was good to see the clubhouse full after the game with everyone enjoying a drink with a fabulous bacon bap. I am sure that our hard working excellent cleaner, Jane, soon put the place back into its normal smart and clean state the following day- we are lucky to have her.
The Seniors last Winter League game was won by the well loved Italian Waiter, one John Hanna, with 35 points.
He was closely followed by Mike Wickins on 34 points. Mike played very well throughout the competition and is this year's overall winner with a magnificent 179, being his best five rounds with an average score of 35.8 but he was pushed all the way by Bill Dearling and Richard Gibbons who were joint second with 177.
The popular Seniors Yellow Ball Competition, which is always nail biting, as the yellow ball is passed consecutively amongst the three member team and the holder's score is doubled but that all stops if it is lost so putting extra pressure on the holder. I usually play with Geoff Hughes and he normally loses it on the second hole. So playing as third member I dont think that I have ever seen it yet. Geoff always laughs but I end up crying!
Once again this year, I am informed, that it was lost by most teams but the very useful team of young Chris Alexander and sheep farmer Dave Morgan and Octogenarian Gilbert Cox stayed calm and are this year's champions with 87 points. They even beat the much fancied team of last year's Senior's Captain, David Lacey with his successor Steve Thompson and the reliable Colin Hales who were second on 84 points.