Axe Cliff Golf Club Ladies had a very busy time last week but like most woman managed to get it all done. Firstly, Monday was their AGM when Paula Heasman passed her captain's badge to Stella Thompson. Stella is not only our new Ladies Captain but was also Golfer of the Year by accumulating the most points for winning Medals, Stablefords and Cups during 2022. Karin Cox is Vice-Captain and the most improved handicap went to Jo Hopgood.
Last Wednesday, as all Scots know, was St Andrews Day and their fun day competition using just three clubs and a putter . They did not start until 11 once the mist lifted so it was played over nine holes on full handicap. It is good to report that the club's youngest lady member Amy won with 16 points. Jill Wellington was a close second on 14 points leaving Ang Higgins with third spot with 13 points.
The Seniors were not so lucky on Friday when their popular friendly team of three Florida Scramble, was cancelled due to fog which tends to be the only weather that can close the lovely Axe Cliff course. The most disappointed member was handicap secretary Chris Read who had set up it up on the Club V1 site. This ass his first attempt so was anxious to see if it working. efforts on our team card as well ! Dont worry Chris, your moment will soon come and Andy Jeffries assures us its a piece of cake even for Seniors.
The Seniors did manage the previous week to enjoy another fun team competition known as Majic Multiplier where it can be quite nerve wracking not to let your team down. In a team of three each score is multipled on each hole so if anyone does not score then you would not get any points on any such hole even if two of you got net birdies e.g.: 3 x 3 x 0 = 0. For a team to play to par it would get 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 x 18 holes = 144. The team that enjoyed it the most was Mike Wickens, Gerry Binmore and Bill Dearling and they won with 148 points but were closely pushed by Nigel Pritchard, Stuart Mackie and octogenarian Alan Morgan on 146 . A long way back was Chris Read, Richard Bush and Paul Curtin taking third place with 129 points.
Last Sunday the Men's Section finished the week with dry, clear but cold conditions . They obviously made the most of the weather and great greens scoring well in both divisions. In Division One Lewis Cottam won with a fine net 68 just beating the Gibbons' father and son members. This time son captain Harvey beat Dad Richard on 69 and 70respectively. Young Craig Trivett had a remarkable round winning Division Two in 65, closely followed by Dean Hodder 67 and David Hales 68.