By Dave Bruce
Axe Cliff Golf Club Ladies could not play last Wednesday due to poor weather but they did manage the previous week to stage their annual Helen Gaudie Bowl which was closely fought with the strong pairing of Stella Thompson and Jill Wellington being victorious with a solid 36 points.
Afterwards they were all treated to sandwichesand chips by birthday girls Jo Hopgood and Janet Dack. It was good to see captain Paula Heasman playing behind us on Friday with her son Alistair who has just returned from a stint in Thailand teaching English which was a wonderful time for him but good to back with Mum's cooking again, he told me.
The Seniors , with a good turnout, enjoyed ideal golfing weather last Friday with overcast skies until late afternoon keeping it relatively cool which meant somejackets having to be worn. As a result there were plenty of good scores in their Monthly Stableford. John Purdy, with a hot putter in his hand, won Division One with 40 points from top chef Nigel Tarr on 37 and Alan Morgan continuing his good form taking third spot with 36, Division Two players did even better with Chris Alexander taking top spot with 41 points and captain David Lacey surpasssing himself with 39 coming second. Mark Wisby took third place with 31 points but could have been a lot higher.
Geoff Hughes started well until he got to the long 12th hole. As you can see, in the picture, his drive only reached a nearby bush and with a hefty swing of his Rescue Wood he got it out - not very far -in two nearly reaching the fairway.
The Men's section finished their Scratch and Handicap cup with Paul Hankin becoming champion with a net 69.Tom Spencer was second with 73 on countback from Alan Kenworthy.
Once again some wonderful wildlife was spotted on the course with a pair of Kestrels just off the 15th hiding in the long grass on the cliff; a pheasant on the 17th but my favourite was a two-inch Sshrew ( small mouse) scampering toward my car as leaving the carpark. Luckily I noticed it so was able to stop as it went under the car and out the back safely.