Beer Parish Council is in negotiation with East Devon to take over a number of village assets currently run by the district council.
By assuming responsibility for a number of assets, the parish council will be able to secure income through commercial leases and fees which will create employment and a thriving sustainable community.
The assets which will be transferred to the parish council are:
- The tarmac lower area of the Jubilee area, the grass area and the buildings
- The Jubilee play park
- The Jubilee toilets
- Beach Court car park
- Part of Beer Head car park
- The wooded area of Starre Bank.
Not included area the beach and cliff concession including beach huts and licenses. This removes the liability of the cliff and enables EDDC to get all leases including those with Crown Estates finalised.
No decisions will be taken before consultation with Beer residents in December.
In a statement on the Beer Parish Council website on the benefits to Beer, it states: "By owning the assets Beer will decide how it wants to use, improve or develop them.
"Improved facilities will give residents and visitors more use and entertainment opportunities. Ownership will give the council the ability to make an income through commercial leases and fees, necessary to cover maintenance costs and delivery of events, the object being to support employment and a thriving sustainable community."
Development options could include:
- Recreating the Jubilee play park
- Refurbishing the toilet block to create new toilets and a kiosk/shop for commercial lettings
- Making more of the Jubilee area creating outdoor performance space with tiered seating on the bank
- Developing the Self Shelter to create an all-weather cafe for commercial operation
- Better utilisation of Beach Court car park formalising resident parking
- Creation of a small unserviced, 2/3-day camper van parking area in Beer Head car park
- Developing a small play area in Beer Head car park and enhancing the picnic area
- Greater management of the Starre Bank area to improve natural bio-diversification
- Development of a permanent building on part of Charlie's Yard for events and "Pop Up" leases
The statement added: "The parish council is encouraging businesses and individuals to bring forward innovative ideas for community use and income generation. A condition of the transfer is that land and buildings must retain their community use and benefit.
"The parish council will be responsible for all maintenance and operational issues once the EDDC contract finishes in year six. This will include everything from grass cutting to toilet cleaning, railing painting to swing repairs.
"The parish council will be looking to offer employment and contracts to undertake work. They also look forward to continuing their work with the Horticultural Society, Beer Men's Shed and other voluntary organisations. EDDC will manage and enforce car parking for the parish.
EDDC has agreed to a transfer payment in year one of £57,500 to cover operating and transfer costs and this payment will be "tapered down" to £13,800 by year eight and held thereafter as Beach Court car park.
EDDC will continue to maintain all areas in year one at a cost of £30,000 to be paid out of the transfer payment.
The maintenance contract with EDDC will taper to zero work input and nil cost by year five. Estimated lease income by year eight from the Toilet Kiosk, Self-Shelter Café, Charlies' Yard op Ups will by £15,200.
- Year 8 estimated total annual income including car park income, leases and fees - £29,000
- Year 8 estimated annual costs of owning new assets including maintenance, fixed and consumables - £29,500
- The parish council will also have built up an estimated reserve/capital repairs fund of - £30,000.
Capital developments will be paid for by grants and loans. The current Coastal Community Team fund has set aside an amount to engage architects to help in the consultation, visioning exercise and outline designs for the Jubilee and Charlie's Yard areas.
To summarise, by year eight when transfer payments stop, assets should be self-financing, however the development of commercial lease income is essential. This will provide opportunities for commercial operators and the community to bring forward interesting and innovative dining, entertainment and community events for visitors and residents alike.
The parish council is keen to hear the views of local people regarding the proposals and will be organising some public consultation in December.